Read Pubali Bank Limited Junior officer (Cash) 2013 Exam
1. “জঙ্গম” এর বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ কী?
(a) অরণ্য
(b) পর্বত
(c) স্থাবর
(d) সমুদ্র
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
2. Reuter is a
(a) B. T. V station
(b) News Agency
(c) Magazine
(d) Club
(e) None of them
Ans. b
3. Government Fiscal Policy relates to
(a) Export-Import
(b) Money Supply
(c) Tax-Expenditure
(d) Financial Institution
(e) None of them
Ans. c
4. Bina is 10 years older than Mim. In 7 years time, Bina will be twice as old as Mim. What is Bina’s age now?
(a) 18
(b) 5
(c) 25
(d) 7
(e) None of them
Ans. e
5. The capital city of Myanmar is
(a) Naypyi Daw
(b) Bagan
(c) Mandaly
(d) Yangon
(e) None of them
Ans. a
6. The average weight of 8 persons increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person?
(a) 76 kg
(b) 76.5 kg
(c) 85 kg
(d) 70 kg
(e) None of them
Ans. c
7. পল্লী কবি জসীম উদদীনের উপন্যাস মোট কয়টি?
(a) একটি
(b) দুইটি
(c) বারটি
(d) চৌদ্দটি
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. a
8. What is the name of the Bangladeshi woman has been awarded the ‘Wangari Maathai’ award for her outstanding contribution to environmental preservation?
(a) Monowara Khatun
(b) Khurshisa Begum
(c) Mala Rani
(d) Syeda Rizwana Hasan
(e) None of them
Ans. b
9. Which of the following city is known as the pink city?
(a) Tokyo
(b) Jaipur
(c) Delhi
(d) Beijing
(e) None of them
Ans. b
10. ‘পুলিশ’ শব্দটি কোন ভাষা থেকে এসেছে?
(a) ওলন্দাজ
(b) ফারসি
(c) ইংরেজি
(d) পর্তুগিজ
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
11. There is 60% increase in an amount in 6 years at simple interest. What will be the compound interest of Tk. 12,000 after 3 years at the same rate?
(a) Tk. 2160
(b) Tk. 3120
(c) Tk. 3972
(d) Tk. 6240
(e) None of them
Ans. c
12. “সংশয়” এর বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ কী?
(a) বিস্ময়
(b) নির্ভর
(c) দ্বিধা
(d) প্রত্যয়
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. d
13. Who initiated the Widow Marriage Act?
(a) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
(b) Young Bengal Group
(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(d) Warakanath Tagore
(e) None of them
Ans. a
14. Reza’s average in four tests is 80%. What marks does he need in his fifth test to raise his average to 84%?
(a) 96%
(b) 94%
(c) 84%
(d) 100%
(e) None of them
Ans. d
15. নিচের কোনটি তুর্কি ভাষা থেকে আগত?
(a) ক্রোক
(b) পেরেক
(c) সাবান
(d) পেয়ারা
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. a
16. Albert Einstein was born in which country?
(a) USA
(b) Germany
(c) Russia
(d) Italy
(e) None of them
Ans. b
17. The difference of two numbers is 7 and their product is 60, then one of the two numbers must be
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 8
(e) None of them
Ans. b
18. What is the name of the Megna at its origin?
(a) Manash
(b) Lushai
(c) The Barak
(d) Gumit
(e) None of them
Ans. c
19. There are 900 students in a school. 4% of them left the school and 50% of the remaining are girls. How many girls remained?
(a) 432
(b) 430
(c) 450
(d) 448
(e) None of them
Ans. a
20. One dog tells the other that there are two dogs in front of me. The other one also shouts that he too had two behind him. How many are they?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 3
(e) None of them
Ans. d
21. The minimum value of 2 x 2 + 8x – 5 is
(a) -9
(b) 13 2
(c) -13
(d) 13
(e) None of them
Ans. c
22. ‘জান্নাত ও বেহেশত’ শব্দ দুটি কোন ভাষা থেকে এসেছে?
(a) আরবি ও পর্তুগিজ
(b) আরবি ও ফারসি
(c) ফারসি ও ফরাসি
(d) তুর্কি ও পর্তুগিজ
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. b
23. Wall Stress is in
(a) London
(b) New York City
(c) Berlin
(d) Paris
(e) None of them
Ans. b
24. The duration of a cheque is valid for
(a) 6 months
(b) 15 days
(c) 1 year
(d) 3 month
(e) None of them
Ans. a
25. If product of 3 consecutive integers is 120, then the sum of the integers is -
(a) 9
(b) 12
(c) 14
(d) 15
(e) None of them
Ans. d
26. How many members of the Jatiya Sangsad constitute the quorum?
(a) 50
(b) 60
(c) 70
(d) 80
(e) None of them
Ans. b
27. “আঠি” শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ হচ্ছে?
(a) সাস
(b) শাষ
(c) শাঁস
(d) শাঁষ
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
28. “গৃহী” শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ
(a) সংসারী
(b) সঞ্চয়ী
(c) সংহিতি
(d) সন্ন্যাসী
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. d
29. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?
(a) 1 2
(b) 2 5
(c) 8 15
(d) 9 20
(e) None of them
Ans. d
30. Which country will host the FIFA World Cup in 2018?
(a) Russia
(b) Spain
(c) Brazil
(d) Qatar
(e) None of them
Ans. a
31. “বৃষ্টি পড়ে টাপুর টুপুর নদে এল বান” কার রচনা?
(a) কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
(b) জসীম উদদীন
(c) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
(d) প্রমথ চৌধুরী
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
32. What is the number of integers between 101 and 199 which exactly divisible by 5 or 7?
(a) 31
(b) 30
(c) 32
(d) 35
(e) None of them
Ans. b
33. The total number of Electoral College votes in the USA is:
(a) 538
(b) 529
(c) 522
(d) 590
(e) None of them
Ans. a
34. কবি সুকান্ত ভট্টাচার্য কত বছর বয়সে মারা যান?
(a) ১৭
(b) ১৮
(c) ২০
(d) ২১
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. d
35. If 15 is the fifth number in a series of 5 consecutive odd numbers, what is the third number in the series?
(a) 7
(b) 12
(c) 14
(d) 5
(e) None of them
Ans. e
36. Who was the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh?
(a) Bangabandhu Shikh Mujibur Rahman
(b) Tajuddin Ahmad
(c) Captain M. Mansur Ali
(d) A. H. M. Kamruzzaman
(e) None of them
Ans. b
37. IPO is the term used in
(a) Stock market
(b) Insurance
(c) Banking Business
(d) Leasing Business
(e) None of them
Ans. a
38. What least number must be added to 1056, so that the sum is completely divisible by 23?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 18
(d) 21
(e) None of them
Ans. a
39. If selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percent.
(a) 66.5
(b) 100
(c) 105
(d) 120
(e) None of them
Ans. b
40. A 5% monthly salary increase resulted in a salary increase resulted in a salary increase of Tk. 6000 per year for an employee. What was his monthly salary before the increase?
(a) 1200
(b) 12000
(c) 10000
(d) 36000
(e) None of them
Ans. c
41. “এঁড়ে” এর বিপরীত শব্দ কী?
(a) অকপট
(b) আনাড়ি
(c) গোঁয়ার
(d) বকনা
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. d
42. Which country is not a member of G-20?
(a) China
(b) Malaysia
(c) Turkey
(d) Italy
(e) None of them
Ans. b
43. If x 2 + y 2 = 4 and x 2 - y 2 = -4 then x 4 + y 4 is -
(a) -16
(b) 16
(c) 0
(d) 8
(e) None of them
Ans. b
44. Which fraction is the largest?
(a) 9 16
(b) 7 10
(c) 4 5
(d) 5 8
(e) None of them
Ans. c
45. A person walking 5 6 of his usual rate is 40 minutes late. What his usual time?
(a) 2 hours 20 minutes
(b) 3 hours 20 minutes
(c) 2 hours
(d) 4 hours 10 minutes
(e) None of them
Ans. b
46. The largest division in Bangladesh is
(a) Dhaka
(b) Chittagong
(c) Rajshahi
(d) Sylhet
(e) None of them
Ans. b
47. There are 12 more apples than oranges in a basket of 36 apples and oranges. How many apples are in the basket?
(a) 12
(b) 24
(c) 15
(d) 28
(e) None of them
Ans. b
48. Which country will host the NAM Summit in 2015?
(a) Venezuela
(b) Malaysia
(c) India
(d) Brazil
(e) None of them
Ans. a
49. If the sum of the 3 consecutive integers is 240, then the sum of the two larger integers is:
(a) 161
(b) 79
(c) 169
(d) 159
(e) None of them
Ans. a
50. রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের পরবর্তী জন্ম শত বার্ষিকী হবে? (২০১৩ সালের পর)
(a) ২০৩১
(b) ২০৫১
(c) ২০৬১
(d) ২১৬১
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
51. If the market price is Tk. 25, the revenue of selling five units in Taka is
(a) 25
(b) 5
(c) 250
(d) 125
(e) None of them
Ans. d
52. কাজী নজরুলের “চল চল চল” কবিতাটির কোন কাব্য গ্রন্থের অর্ন্তগত?
(a) সিন্ধু হিন্দোল
(b) দোলন চাঁপা
(c) সন্ধ্যা
(d) ফনিমনসা
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
53. What is the name of the disputed territory that lies between China and Japan?
(a) Senkaku
(b) Spratly islands
(c) Paracel islands
(d) Prataslslands
(e) None of them
Ans. a
54. Which country is current ruled by the Chakri dynasty that has been in power since 1782?
(a) Thailand
(b) Nepal
(c) Bhutan
(d) Laos
(e) None of them
Ans. a
55. The Cambodian currency is
(a) Riel
(b) Wong
(c) Yuan
(d) Yen
(e) None of them
Ans. a
56. A woman had 50 ducks. All but 8 died. How many ducks are still alive?
(a) 8
(b) 42
(c) 50
(d) 41
(e) None of them
Ans. a
57. 3 pumps, working 8 hours a day, can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a day must 4 pumps work to empty the tank in 1 day?
(a) 9
(b) 12
(c) 10
(d) 11
(e) None of them
Ans. b
58. The 8th SAARC Summit will be held in:
(a) India
(b) Nepal
(c) Pakistan
(d) Bangladesh
(e) None of them
Ans. b
59. What is the name of British Parliament?
(a) House of Commons
(b) Diet
(c) Congress
(d) Senate
(e) None of them
Ans. e
60. Which of the divisions of Bangladesh has no border connection with India.
(a) Rajshahi
(b) Khulna
(c) Barisal
(d) Chittagong
(e) None of them
Ans. c
61. Which of the undermentioned has been written by Sufia Kamal?
(a) Ekatturer Dairy
(b) The Princess
(c) Noorjahan
(d) Ekatturer Kotha
(e) None of them
Ans. d
62. Rice is now being sold at Taka 20 a kg. during last month its rate was Taka 16 per kg. By how much percent should a family reduce its consumption so as to keep the expenditure fixed?
(a) 25%
(b) 15%
(c) 40%
(d) 20%
(e) None of them
Ans. d
63. “নদী” শব্দের সমার্থক কোনটি?
(a) সরিৎ
(b) বারিধি
(c) উদ্ক
(d) অম্বু
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. a
64. নিচের কোনটি “পৃথিবী” শব্দের সমার্থক নয়?
(a) মহী
(b) বসুধা
(c) মহীধর
(d) উর্বী
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
65. নিচের কোনটি “সমুদ্র” শব্দের সমার্থক নয়?
(a) রত্নাকর
(b) প্রবাহিণী
(c) জলধি
(d) অর্ণব
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. b
66. Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles per minute. At this rate, how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes?
(a) 1800
(b) 648
(c) 2700
(d) 10800
(e) None of them
Ans. a
Direction: Choose the word which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letter.
(a) Active
(b) Dormant
(c) Weak
(d) Unconcerned
(e) None of them
Ans. a
(a) Inflate
(b) Expend
(c) Bump up
(d) Contract
(e) None of them
Ans. d
(a) Soft
(b) Average
(c) Tiny
(d) Weak
(e) None of them
Ans. c
(a) Influx
(b) Home
(c) Return
(d) Restoration
(e) None of them
Ans. c
(a) Energetic
(b) Lazy
(c) Indifferent
(d) Bored
(e) None of them
Ans. a
Direction: Each of the following sentence has blank space which indicate words omitted. Choose the best combination of words which fits into the meaning and structure within the context of the sentence.
72. Her colleagues expected _____ the job.
(a) she got
(b) her to got
(c) that she getting
(d) her getting
(e) None of them
Ans. b
73. If you eat and drink _____, and get regular exercise, you will feel much better.
(a) sensibly
(b) to little
(c) too much little
(d) logically
(e) None of them
Ans. a
74. Practicing _____ exercise is a good way to keep healthy.
(a) common
(b) usual
(c) normal
(d) regular
(e) None of them
Ans. d
75. The new Principle _____ stress on routine administration
(a) released, only
(b) began, even
(c) started, further
(d) laid, rather
(e) None of them
Ans. d
76. If you feel _____ or light-headed after giving blood, please tell the nurse.
(a) strong
(b) weak
(c) tired
(d) sleepy
(e) None of them
Ans. c
77. He was injured by a ____ kick from an opposing player.
(a) strong
(b) weak
(c) malicious
(d) vicious
(e) None of them
Ans. d
78. I have been _____ to swim since I was seven but I never ____ to like swimming very much previously.
(a) able, learned
(b) sure, wished
(c) able, used
(d) capable, learned
(e) None of them
Ans. c
79. _____ is it from Istanbul to Bagdad?
(a) How much distance
(b) How long
(c) How far
(d) How many
(e) None of them
Ans. c
80. Did you really do it ____ or did someone help you?
(a) by your own
(b) on yourself
(c) on your own
(d) by your ownership
(e) None of them
Ans. c
81. The bus _____ arrives late during bad weather.
(a) every week
(b) later
(c) yesterday
(d) always
(e) None of them
Ans. d
Direction: Select the correct spelling of the word in capital letters.
(a) Immediately
(b) Immediatly
(c) Imediatly
(d) Immedietly
(e) None of them
Ans. a
(a) Bizare
(b) Bizzarre
(c) Bizzare
(d) Bizarre
(e) None of them
Ans. d
(a) Diahrea
(b) Diarea
(c) Diarrhea
(d) Diareah
(e) None of them
Ans. c
(a) Miscellaneous
(b) Miscelaneous
(c) Miscellanious
(d) Miscellanous
(e) None of them
Ans. a
(a) Rhythem
(b) Rythim
(c) Rhythm
(d) Rythem
(e) None of them
Ans. c
(a) Supercede
(b) Superceed
(c) Supersede
(d) Supersed
(e) None of them
Ans. c
(a) Greatfull
(b) Grateful
(c) greatful
(d) Greatefull
(e) None of them
Ans. b
(a) Dispointed
(b) Dissapointed
(c) Dissappointed
(d) Disappointed
(e) None of them
Ans. d
(a) Exaggoration
(b) Exagreation
(c) Exaggeration
(d) Exaggerastion
(e) None of them
Ans. c
(a) Dumbel
(b) Dumbell
(c) Dumbbel
(d) Dumbbell
(e) None of them
Ans. d
এক কথায় প্রকাশ করুন।
92. ‘কোন ভাবেই যা নিবারণ করা যায় না’
(a) দুর্নিবার
(b) অনিবার্য
(c) অনির্বাণ
(d) অবিসংবাদিত
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. b
93. ‘যে সকল অত্যাচারই সয়ে যায়’
(a) সর্বংসহা
(b) সহিঞ্চু
(c) সহ্যকারী
(d) অত্যাচারী
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. a
94. ‘যে ভূমিতে ফসল জন্মায় না’
(a) পতিত
(b) অনির্ভর
(c) উষর
(d) বন্ধা
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
95. ‘এক থেকে শুরু করে ক্রমাগত’
(a) ক্রমিক
(b) ক্রমবিকাশ
(c) একাদিক্রমে
(d) ক্রমনির্ভর
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
96. .
(a) কুম্ভীলেক
(b) কূম্ভীলেক
(c) কুম্ভিলক
(d) কূম্ভিলক
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
97. .
(a) পুরষ্কার
(b) পুরঃস্কার
(c) পুরস্কার
(d) পুরুস্কার
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
98. .
(a) দীনতা
(b) দৈন্যতা
(c) দীন্যতা
(d) দিনতা
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. a
99. .
(a) নির্ণিমেষ
(b) ণির্নীমেষ
(c) নির্নিমেষ
(d) নির্নীমেষ
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
100. .
(a) মুর্ধন্য
(b) মূর্ধন্য
(c) মূর্ধণ্য
(d) মুধ্যণ্য
(e) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. b