Read Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank Officer 2014 Exam
1. ‘রাবনের চিতা’ বাগধারার অর্থ কি?
(a) অনিষ্টে ইস্ট লাভ
(b) চির অশান্তি
(c) সামান্য কিছু নিয়ে ঝগড়া বাধানো
(d) অরাজক দেশ
Ans. b
2. Five persons are travelling in a train-A, B, C, D and E. A is the mother of C who is the wife of E. D is the brother of A and B is the husband of A. How is B related to E?
(a) Uncle
(b) Father in law
(c) Brother
(d) Father
Ans. b
3. “Boat is to sea”, therefore plane is to “____”.
(a) Air
(b) Fly
(c) Sky
(d) Float
Ans. c
4. Which one of the following is equal to 1 4 of 0.01 percent?
(a) 0.0025
(b) 0.025
(c) 0.00025
(d) 0.000025
Ans. c
5. ‘ইচ্ছা’ বিশেষ্যে বিশেষণ কোনটি?
(a) ইচ্ছুক
(b) অনিচ্ছা
(c) ঐচ্ছিক
(d) ইচ্ছাময়
Ans. a
6. Google is _____
(a) Virus Program
(b) Hardware
(c) Website
(d) Search Engine
Ans. d
7. In the figure ABCD is a square. If the length of the square is 10 ft, then what will be the area of the triangle OCD?
Layer 1 A B C D
(a) 12.5 sft
(b) 25 sft
(c) 37.22 sft
(d) cannot be determined
Ans. b
8. Badminton is the national sport of -
(a) Malaysia
(b) China
(c) India
(d) Scotland
Ans. a
9. “ষড়ঋতু” শব্দের সন্ধিবিচ্ছেদ হল?
(a) ষড় + ঋতু
(b) ঋড় + ঋতু
(c) ঋট্ + ঋতু
(d) ষট + ঋতু
Ans. c
10. The tribal sect known as “Garo” is mostly connected in which district of Bangladesh?
(a) Bandarban
(b) Rangamati
(c) Sylhet
(d) Mymensingh
Ans. d
11. “Kyoto Protocol” is related with ____
(a) Environment
(b) Agriculture
(c) Peace
(d) Trade
Ans. a
12. Choose the one that will be best fit in the blank position?
(a) OLPA
(b) KLLA
(c) KLMA
(d) LLMA
Ans. b
13. Which letter is out of place in the following series. I M L T N K O J
(a) M
(b) O
(c) L
(d) T
Ans. d
14. A project has 3 test cases. Three teams are formed to study the 3 different test cases. Mr. X is assigned to all three teams. Expect for Mr. X, each member is assigned to exactly one team. If each team has exactly 6 members, then what is the exact number of member required?
(a) 15
(b) 14
(c) 12
(d) 16
Ans. d
15. Which number replaces the questions mark?
Layer 1 4 3 5 4 1 6 6 8 7 ? 5 5 8 6 6
(a) 10
(b) 9
(c) 7
(d) 4
Ans. a
16. বাংলা নববর্ষ ‘পহেলা বৈশাখ’ চালু করেছিলেন -
(a) ইলিয়াস শাহ
(b) লক্ষন সেন
(c) বিজয় সেন
(d) আকবর
Ans. d
17. A truck driver must complete a 180 mile trip in 4 hours. If his average speed is 50 miles per hour for the first 30 hours, then how fast must he travel for the final hour?
(a) 35
(b) 53
(c) 30
(d) 40
Ans. c
18. Which number can be placed at the sign of interrogation?
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 12
(d) 16
Ans. b
19. ‘নন্দিত নরকে’ – কার উপন্যাস
(a) জহির রায়হান
(b) হুমায়ুন আহমেদ
(c) কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
(d) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
Ans. b
20. ‘পুষ্প’ এর সমাথর্ক শব্দ নয় কোনটি?
(a) ফুল
(b) কুসুম
(c) অবনী
(d) প্রসূন
Ans. c
21. শব্দের ক্ষুদ্রতম অংশকে কি বলা হয়?
(a) পদ
(b) ধ্বনি
(c) কারক
(d) বর্ণ
Ans. b
22. Find out the missing number in the following series 65536, 256, 16,      ?
(a) 8
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) 2
Ans. c
23. ‘গোঁফ খেজুরে’ এই বাগ্বিধির অর্থ কি?
(a) আরামপ্রিয়
(b) উদাসীন
(c) নিতান্ত অলস
(d) পরমুখাপেক্ষী
Ans. c
24. If Tk. 4,500 was invested in a share when the price per share was Tk. 9 and Tk. 3,000 was invested in another share when the price per share was Tk. 10. What was the price per share was Tk. 10. What was the average price per share purchased?
(a) Tk. 9.20
(b) Tk. 9.375
(c) Tk. 9.4
(d) Tk. 9.625
Ans. b
25. If five student run a mile in 5 minutes, then how much time will 50 students take to run a mile?
(a) 5 min
(b) 50 min
(c) 250 min
(d) 10 min
Ans. a
26. ‘অক্ষির সমীপে’র সংক্ষেপ হল -
(a) সমক্ষ
(b) পরোক্ষ
(c) প্রত্যক্ষ
(d) নিরপেক্ষ
Ans. a
27. Son’s age is now one-third of father’s age. In twelve years from now son’s age will be one half of the father’s age. What is the son’s age in years now?
(a) 24
(b) 12
(c) 10
(d) 6
Ans. b
28. অপমান শব্দের ‘অপ’ উপসর্গটি কোন অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়?
(a) বিপরীত
(b) অনিচ্ছা
(c) বিকৃত
(d) অভাব
Ans. a
29. ‘হনন করার ইচ্ছা’ এক কথায় কি বলে?
(a) জিজ্ঞাসা
(b) নর হত্যা
(c) জিঘাংসা
(d) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. c
30. A train which is 1 km long traveling at a speed of 60 km/hour enters a tunnel 1 km of length. What time does the train take to come fully out of the tunnel?
(a) 2 min
(b) 1 min
(c) 60 min
(d) 30 min
Ans. a
31. The average of 13 numbers is 68. If the average of the first 7 numbers is 63 and that of the last 7 numbers is 70, find the 7th number?
(a) 49
(b) 56
(c) 10
(d) 47
Ans. d
32. Which sector contributes the most to Bangladesh GDP?
(a) Service
(b) Industry
(c) Agriculture
(d) External Sector
Ans. a
33. The architect of “Shaheed Minar” is -
(a) Kamrul Hassan
(b) Hashem Khan
(c) Hamidur Rahman
(d) Joynul Abedin
Ans. c
34. In this world nothing low, nothing mean. The rock we have frequented may hide a rich mine, the water we have fished may have pearl beds beneath, the man we have neglected may have high soul. So al the things we see around us have their ____
(a) uses
(b) existence
(c) price
(d) power
Ans. c
35. Banks were first started in the world in -
(a) USA
(b) Italy
(c) Greece
(d) UK
Ans. b
36. The value of a machine is Tk. 6250. It’s value decreases by 10% during the first year, 20% during second year and 30% during the third year. What will be the value of the machine after 3 years?
(a) 3750
(b) 2650
(c) 3050
(d) 3150
Ans. d
37. The ratio of the angles of a triangle is 2 : 3 : 4. What is the largest angle in degrees?
(a) 90
(b) 80
(c) 60
(d) 30
Ans. b
38. Which of the following is the hardest element?
(a) Iron
(b) Copper
(c) Diamond
(d) Silicon
Ans. c
39. First published novel of Sunil Gangopadhyay was -
(a) Jugalbondi
(b) Anno Jiboner Shad
(c) Aranyer Dinratri
(d) Atmparkash
Ans. d
40. Select the odd one.
(a) Layer 1
(b) Layer 1
(c) Layer 1
(d) Layer 1
Ans. d
41. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
(a) Vitamin A – Night Blindness
(b) Vitamin D - Rickets
(c) Vitamin E – Neurological Problems
(d) Vitamin C – Beri Beri
Ans. d
42. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
(a) কৃষিজীবী
(b) কৃষিজিবি
(c) কৃষিজীবি
(d) কোনটিই নয়
Ans. a
43. ‘আভরণ’ শব্দের অর্থ কি?
(a) রমনীয়
(b) অনবরত
(c) অলংকার
(d) আচ্ছাদন
Ans. d
44. 0.1 is how many time grater than 0.001?
(a) 1000
(b) 100
(c) 10
(d) 1
Ans. b
45. In a mixture of 60 liters, the ratio of milk and water is 2 : 1. What amount of water must be added to make the ratio of milk and water as 1 : 2?
(a) 75 liters
(b) 80 liters
(c) 55 liters
(d) 60 liters
Ans. d
46. If England is written as 1234526 and France is written as 785291, then Greece is written as _____
(a) 392291
(b) 392191
(c) 382292
(d) 381191
Ans. d
47. The headquarter of UNCTAD is in _____
(a) London
(b) Geneva
(c) New York
(d) Paris
Ans. b
48. A student first reduced a number by 20 percent and then increased it again by 20 percent. If the difference between the two new numbers was 8, then what is the original number?
(a) 100
(b) 75
(c) 50
(d) 40
Ans. c
49. The historical “D-day” is related with -
(a) Gulf was
(b) 2nd world war
(c) 1st world war
(d) Iraq war
Ans. b
50. Find the value of [2 – 3 × (2 - 3) -1 ] -1
(a) - 1 5
(b) 1 5
(c) -5
(d) 5
Ans. b
51. ‘নিশীথ রাতে বাজছে বাঁশি’ এ বাক্যে ‘নিশীথ’ কোন্ জাতীয় শব্দ?
(a) ক্রিয়া
(b) বিশেষ্য
(c) বিশেষণ
(d) ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ
Ans. c
52. 2020 summer Olympic games will be held in –
(a) South Africa
(b) Netherlands
(c) Japan
(d) Germany
Ans. c
53. Which country within EU still does not use Euro as its currency?
(a) France
(b) England
(c) Austria
(d) Germany
Ans. b
54. Novera bought a ticket to a cricket match for Tk. 25 and late sold the ticket to Nahid for Tk. 75. What was the percent increase in the price of the ticket?
(a) 200%
(b) 100%
(c) 50%
(d) 300%
Ans. a
55. Which of the following organizations is not an organ of the United Nation?
(a) UNDP
(b) ILO
(c) FAO
Ans. d
56. A buzzer sounds every 15 minutes. If the buzzer sounded at 12.40, which of the following could be a time at which the buzzer sounded?
(a) 4.05
(b) 8.10
(c) 7.15
(d) 6.45
Ans. b
57. In a university, 80 percent of the students lived in hostel, and 60 percent of the hostel students are lucky to get a single room. If number of lucky students id 1,200 then how many students were there in the university?
(a) 2500
(b) 2400
(c) 2000
(d) 1800
Ans. a
58. In a survey, 30% of the people surveyed owned a personal computer and 77% owned a cellular telephone. If 25% owned both cellular telephone and a personal computer, then percentage of the people who does not have either of the instrument?
(a) 20%
(b) 25%
(c) 30%
(d) 40%
Ans. a
59. Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles per minute. At this rate, how many bottle could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes?
(a) 108000
(b) 2700
(c) 1800
(d) 648
Ans. c
60. এক কথায় প্রকাশ করুন – ‘যা বলা হয়নি’।
(a) অউক্ত
(b) অব্যক্ত
(c) অনুক্ত
(d) অব্যাক্ত
Ans. c
Each sentence below has one or more blank(s). Choose the most appropriate alternatives(s) to complete/correct the following sentences.
61. There is no hindrance _____ his going there.
(a) to
(b) over
(c) on
(d) at
Ans. a
62. Keep clear ____ wicked boys.
(a) from
(b) of
(c) with
(d) out
Ans. b
63. Rahim’s speech pointed ___ some of our defects.
(a) at
(b) to
(c) towards
(d) on
Ans. b
64. I have a distaste ____ publicity.
(a) against
(b) at
(c) for
(d) about
Ans. c
65. Karim’s story is devoid ____ truth.
(a) of
(b) through
(c) from
(d) to
Ans. a
Each sentence has four underlined word(s). The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked a, b, c and d. Identify the one underlined word(s) that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
66. In addition to oil refining a and international banking, Padma is also b known for growing c bananas, pineapples d , and suger.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
67. If a the air is sufficiently unstable enough b the upward currents will draw in warm, moist c air and cause water vapor to condense d into raindrops.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
68. A flashing a yellow traffic single means one must show down and proceed forard b with caution, watching c for pedestrians, vehicles or other d hazards.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
69. The autopilot of an airraft keeps a it on the same course by correcting b for any drifting that occurence c during d the flight.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
70. The balance of international a payment refers b to all the transactions among c a nation and rest of the world d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
In each of the following questions, a related pairs of words is followed by four pairs of word. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair.
(a) Pride : Prejudice
(b) Hit : Suffer
(c) Affection : Indifference
(d) Fight : War
Ans. d
(a) Bottle : Stopper
(b) Building : Debris
(c) Current : Bygone
(d) Relics : Civilization
Ans. d
(a) Civics : Polity
(b) Fossils : Paleontology
(c) Brain : Psychology
(d) History : Histology
Ans. b
(a) Journal : Newspaper
(b) Library : Catalogue
(c) College : Account
(d) Book : Encyclopedia
Ans. b
(a) Pin : Cushion
(b) Bat : Ball
(c) Prick : Sew
(d) Leader : Follower
Ans. a
Read the following passage carefully and answer the question based on it.
Compact discs (CDs) have revolutionized the music industry with their surprisingly realistic sound. The six-inch discs look like thin plastic sandwiches with aluminum at the center. They have digitally recorded material that is read by laser beams, so the sound has none of the crackling vinyl records. CDs are also the virtually indestructible and they are lighter and smaller than conventional records. Since their introduction, CDs have become more affordable and widely available. If fact, they are now sold in electronics and video stores that didn’t formerly carry records or cassettes. There has been a phenomenal growth in the sale of CDs since introduction. CDs have all but replaced records in stores and in spite of their being less affordable than cassettes, they continue to gain popularity.
76. The author refers to CDs as ‘sandwiches’ because they _____.
(a) are layered
(b) don’t crackle
(c) are light
(d) are small
Ans. d
77. The main appeal of CDs is their _____.
(a) sound
(b) price
(c) size
(d) availability
Ans. a
78. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(a) New kinds of store are selling CDs
(b) CDs are available as cassettes
(c) Stores are selling more CDs than cassettes
(d) Stores are losing money on their cassettes
Ans. a
79. The word revolutionized as used in the passage could best be replaced by ____.
(a) marked
(b) changed
(c) fought
(d) surprised
Ans. b
80. The author’s main purpose is to ____.
(a) discuss the growth of CDs
(b) tell how CDs are made
(c) describe the store that sell CDs
(d) compare CDs with sandwiches
Ans. a