Read Agrani Bank Limited Officer 2011 Exam
1. How many squares will there be, if a rectangle of area 60 is cut square of side 1 2
(a) 30
(b) 60
(c) 120
(d) 180
(e) 240
Ans. e
2. The sum of 3 consecutive multiple of 3 is 90. What is the largest of these numbers?
(a) 24
(b) 27
(c) 36
(d) 39
(e) 45
N.B. The correct answer is 33
3. Many more people who smoke develop lung cancer than do those who do not smoke. In the face of the evidence, how could a cigarette company representative argue against the conclusion that cigarette smoking cause lung cancer? To answer to the question, the representative could most likely say that
(a) Many things might could most cancer
(b) A single cause may be responsible for both smoking and cancer
(c) People have the right to endanger themselves if they choose to do so.
(d) People may breathe die, but no one accuses breathing of causing death.
(e) People will smoke anyhow, regardless of the evidence
Ans. a
4. 'Odds and ends' means
(a) excuse
(b) difficulty
(c) dispute
(d) small things
(e) sad ending
Ans. d
5. A ship leaves port and sails 6 miles west. It then sails 6 miles south and then 6 miles west again. Approximately how many miles the ship from port?
(a) 9
(b) 11
(c) 13
(d) 15
(e) 17
Ans. c
6. A worker can do a job in 4 hours and another worker can do it in 2 hours. How many such works can they do together in 4 hours?
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 6
(e) 8
Ans. b
7. The ratio of the number of boys to that of girls in a class is 5 : 7. When 24 more boys enter, the ratio is reversed. How many girls in the class?
(a) 25
(b) 35
(c) 32
(d) 26
(e) 42
Ans. b
8. ‘হাত ভারি’ বাগধারাটির অর্থ কি?
(a) অলস
(b) শক্ত মানুষ
(c) কৃপণ
(d) টাকাওয়ালা লোক
(e) দানশীল
Ans. c
9. Qantas, an airline operating in Bangladesh is the flag career of
(a) Indonesia
(b) The Philippines
(c) Bahrain
(d) New Zealand
(e) Australia
Ans. e
10. It is immoral to blame people for what they do because they behave as they are conditioned to behave no choice in the matter. Blaming them will never change their behavior. In the statement above, the author undercuts his own argument by
(a) adopting dubious psychological theory
(b) undermining morality
(c) attacking human freedom
(d) arguing emotionally
(e) doing what he against
Ans. a
11. If two sides of a triangle are 5 and 6, then third side can not be
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 7
(d) 10
(e) 12
Ans. e
12. The average daily earning of a man who makes TK 25 each of the first 9 days, Tk 30 each of the nest 10 days and Tk 40 each of the last 11 days is TK
(a) 31.67
(b) 32.17
(c) 32.67
(d) 31.17
(e) 32
Ans. b
13. Which of the following is the first paper mill established in Bangladesh?
(a) Asia Paper and Board Mills
(b) Chandraghona Paper Mills
(c) Karnaphuli Paper mills
(d) Dunhill Corporation
(e) Bangladesh Paper Mills
Ans. c
14. 'Dead and buried' means
(a) dull
(b) complete stop
(c) exhausted
(d) closed
(e) long forgotten
Ans. b
15. Two-thirds of the members of a committee are women, one-fourth of the male members of the committee are married. If there are 9 bachelors in the committee, how many members are there altogether?
(a) 28
(b) 32
(c) 30
(d) 36
(e) 39
Ans. d
16. শুদ্ধ বানান কোনটি?
(a) আকৃষ্ঠ
(b) অকৃষ্ট
(c) আকৃস্ট
(d) অকৃস্ট
(e) অকৃষ্ঠ
Ans. b
17. If each side of a square is doubled, the perimeter of the square is
(a) double
(b) multiplied by 3
(c) multiplied by 4
(d) halved
(e) unchanged
Ans. a
18. What percent of 200 is 0.001% of 2 2 × 5 3
(a) 0.0025
(b) 0.025
(c) 0.0145
(d) 0.0005
(e) 0.2500
Ans. a
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions
19. Do not impute motives ____ him.
(a) upon
(b) on
(c) at
(d) to
(e) against
Ans. d
20. I have no hatred _____ him.
(a) before
(b) by
(c) of
(d) in
(e) on
Ans. c
21. I cannot be false ___ my friend
(a) before
(b) by
(c) with
(d) to
(e) after
Ans. d
22. He is bent _____ going.
(a) for
(b) at
(c) to
(d) on
(e) after
Ans. d
23. I absolve you ____ blame.
(a) of
(b) in
(c) for
(d) with
(e) from
Ans. e
24. We condoled _____ him on his loss.
(a) with
(b) to
(c) for
(d) at
(e) by
Ans. a
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
25. His dealing are clear and _____ .
(a) above board
(b) on course
(c) at large
(d) at wit's end
(e) in course
Ans. a
26. I was very offended by his _____ attitude
(a) flat
(b) smooth
(c) hot and cold
(d) cut and dired
(e) for and sword
Ans. d
27. He looks very tough, but he is a nice man ____ .
(a) at length
(b) in length
(c) of length
(d) at last
(e) at bottom
Ans. e
Identify the correct sentence
28. .
(a) It is top time that you should settle the matter
(b) It is high time that you have settle the matter
(c) It is top time that you should settle the matter
(d) It is high time that you should settle the matter
(e) It is top for to settle the matter
Ans. d
29. .
(a) Be root and branch to gain success in life
(b) Be stone unturned to gain success in life
(c) Be root and nail to gain success in life
(d) Be up and doing to gain success in life
(e) It is top time for to settle the matter
Ans. d
মোট হরফে লেখা শব্দটির সঠিক অর্থ চিহ্নিত করুন
30. পুণ্ড্র
(a) প্রাচীন
(b) ইক্ষু
(c) বৃদ্ধ
(d) জরা
(e) তামাটে
Ans. b
31. অধমর্ণ
(a) মরা
(b) আধমরা
(c) বিনয়ী
(d) ঋণী
(e) নিরীহ
Ans. d
32. 'অনীক' শব্দটির সমার্থক কোনটি?
(a) কাল্পনিক
(b) সৈন্যদল
(c) নিরাবয়ব
(d) রূপকল্প
(e) স্থির
Ans. b
33. 'অংশাংশি' শব্দটি কোন পদের?
(a) বিশেষ্য
(b) বিশেষণ
(c) অব্যয়
(d) A এবং C
(e) A এবং B
Ans. a
34. অংশু
(a) চন্দ্র
(b) লজ্জা
(c) লোহিত
(d) প্রভা
(e) সুত্র
Ans. d
35. অগ্নি-সহ
(a) ধূমপানের উপকরণ
(b) দেয়াশলাই
(c) যাতে আগুন লাগে
(d) যা আগুনে পোড়ে না
(e) জ্বলন্ত কয়লা
Ans. d
36. ‘হাত জুড়ানো’ বাগধারাটির অর্থ কী?
(a) স্বস্তি লাভ করা
(b) মারা যাওয়া
(c) বিশ্রাম নেয়া
(d) আরোগ্য লাভ করা
(e) পথে বসা
Ans. a
37. জাফরি
(a) মসলা বিশেষ
(b) সৌখিন
(c) চৌকা ছিদ্রের বেড়া
(d) গোলাকার ছিদ্রের বেড়া
(e) তামাটে
Ans. c