Read Sonali Bank Limited Officer (Cash) 2013 Exam
1. “চির অশান্তি” বাগধারাটি কোন অর্থে যথোপযুক্ত?
(a) রাবনের চিতা
(b) তামার বিশ
(c) ভরাডুবি
(d) আকাশ ভেঙ্গে পড়া
Ans. a
2. Which is the largest river in Bangladesh?
(a) Jamuna
(b) Padma
(c) Megnha
(d) Brahmputra
Ans. c
3. বাংলা ভাষার প্রথম সাময়িকী হলো -
(a) বেঙ্গল গেজেট
(b) দিগদর্শণ
(c) সমাচার দর্পন
(d) নবযুগ
Ans. b
4. “স্বাধীনতা হীনতায় কে বাচিঁতে চায়” – চয়নটি কার রচনা -
(a) ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র গুপ্ত
(b) রঙ্গলাল বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়
(c) হেমচন্দ্র বন্দোপাধ্যায়
(d) মধুসূদন দত্ত
Ans. b
5. I was ____ surprised some time ago to ____ a greeting card from a stranger in Dhaka.
(a) wonderfully, present
(b) pleasantly, receive
(c) rudely, send
(d) pleasantly, accept
Ans. b
6. What is the capital of Bosnia Herzegovina?
(a) Sarajevo
(b) Sofia
(c) Prague
(d) Bon
Ans. a
7. The cyclone namely Ayla is happened in Bangladesh in
(a) 2009
(b) 1991
(c) 2007
(d) 1988
Ans. a
8. What is the birth day of Bangabandu sheikh Mujibur Rahman?
(a) 10 Jan
(b) 7 March
(c) 10 Feb
(d) 17 April
Ans. b
9. “জানালা” শব্দটি -
(a) ফারসি
(b) হিব্রু
(c) পর্তুগীজ
(d) তুর্কী
Ans. c
10. What is BSS
(a) A news agency
(b) A book
(c) A medical company
(d) A multi national organization
Ans. a
11. Bangladesh is not a member country of
(a) OPEC
(b) OIC
(c) NAM
(d) UN
Ans. a
12. Choose the correct sentence –
(a) If I found a bag In the street, I will take it to the police.
(b) If I found a bag in the street, I took it to the police.
(c) If I found a bag in the street, I'd take it to the police.
(d) If I found a bag in the street, I'II be taking it to the police.
Ans. c
13. “এ সাবানে কাপড় কাচা চলবে না” – এখানে “সাবানে” কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?
(a) কর্তায় সপ্তমী
(b) করণে প্রথমা
(c) করণে সপ্তমী
(d) কর্মে সপ্তমী
Ans. c
14. Choose the correct spelling:
(a) questionere
(b) questionaire
(c) questionnaire
(d) qestioneer
Ans. c
15. Find the opposite meaning of the word "TRANSPARENT"
(a) Apparent
(b) Manifest
(c) Opaque
(d) Explicit
Ans. c
16. The word “Iucrative” means –
(a) profitable
(b) oil
(c) professional
(d) good looking
Ans. a
17. Where is the Chalan Beel?
(a) Rajshahi district
(b) Naogaon district
(c) Natore and Naogaon district
(d) Pabna and Natore district
Ans. d
18. Which one of the following is not a Scandinavian country?
(a) Norway
(b) Sweden
(c) Spain
(d) Denmark
Ans. c
19. Choose the correct sentence –
(a) When there is chaos in society the economy of the country do not develop.
(b) The economy of the country will not be develop when there is chaos in the society.
(c) Economic conditions does not improve when there is chaos in the society.
(d) The economy of the country will not develop if there is chaos in the society.
Ans. d
20. His poor health is the main ___ to his promotion this year.
(a) obstacle
(b) danger
(c) road block
(d) worry
Ans. a
21. “বসন্তকুমারী” নাটক রচনা করেছেন কে? 
(a) মীর মোশারফ হোসেন
(b) মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত
(c) কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
(d) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
Ans. a
22. “পড়েছি মোগলের হাতে খানা খেতে হবে সাথে” প্রবচনটির অর্থ কি?
(a) বিপদের পড়ে কাজ করা
(b) উচ্চ শ্রেণীর ব্যক্তির সাথে বসে খাওয়া
(c) সুদিন ফিরে আসা
(d) মোগলের সাথে বসে খাদ্য খাওয়া
Ans. a
23. বাংলা সাহিত্যে কাকে “ছন্দের যাদুকর” বলা হয়?
(a) সতেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত
(b) প্রমথ চৌধুরী
(c) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
(d) শামসুর রাহমান
Ans. a
24. ড. মুহাম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহর মতে বাংলা ভাষার উৎপত্তি কোন প্রাকৃত স্তর থেকে?
(a) মাগধী প্রাকৃত
(b) অর্ধ মাগধূ প্রাকৃত
(c) মহারাষ্ট্রীয় প্রাকৃত
(d) গৌড়ীয় প্রাকৃত
Ans. d
25. In spite of its limited ____ , the magazine had a strong ____ on political thought in the country.
(a) circulation, influence
(b) appeal, repression
(c) value, surreal
(d) dimension, intensity
Ans. a
26. Find the one most nearly similar in meaning to the word "DESPISE” –
(a) Infuriate
(b) Abhor
(c) Commend
(d) Facilitate
Ans. b
27. বাংলায় টি. এস এলিয়টের কবিতার প্রথম অনুবাদক-
(a) বুদ্ধদেব বসু
(b) বিষ্ণু দে
(c) সুধীন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত
(d) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
Ans. d
28. The length of cricket pitch is
(a) 60 feet
(b) 66 feet
(c) 63 feet
(d) 69 feet
Ans. b
29. Choose the proper option to fill in blank spaces:
I prefer ___ what I like even though it ___ not having much money.
(a) to doing, mean
(b) doing, mean
(c) to do, may
(d) doing, means
Ans. d
30. The 8th member Country of SAARC is
(a) Afghanistan
(b) Japan
(c) China
(d) Iraq
Ans. a
Choose the right phrase or word that best complete the sentences.
31. The most frequently used instructions are kept in the
(a) ROM
(b) cache memory
(c) RAM
(d) CD
Ans. a
32. The OSI model has
(a) 7 Layers
(b) 5 Layers
(c) 9 Layers
(d) 8 Layers
Ans. a
33. Firmware is built using
(a) RAM
(b) Video Memory
(c) Cache memory
(d) ROM
Ans. d
34. Flash memory is
(a) Non-removable
(b) Non-volatile
(c) Non-portable
(d) Volatile
Ans. b
35. Bandwidth means
(a) the range of frequencies
(b) bit per second
(c) cycle per second
(d) bit per minute
Ans. b
36. The function of Gateway is -
(a) to connect two dissimilar networks
(b) to connect two similar networks at
(c) to connect two computer in a LAN
(d) to connect a printer within a LAN
Ans. c
37. A record is a
(a) collection of bits
(b) collections of fields
(c) collection of bytes
(d) collection of files
Ans. b
38. URL means
(a) Uniform Resource Locator
(b) University Resource Library
(c) Uniform Research Locator
(d) Universal Research Location
Ans. a
39. Control Unit
(a) Performs mathematical operations
(b) Performs logical operations
(c) Directs the movement of electrical signals
(d) Performs comparisons of numbers
Ans. c
40. SQL means
(a) Standard Query Learning
(b) Structured Question Language
(c) Structured Query Language
(d) Suitable Query Language
Ans. c
41. Which one of the followings is not an application software
(a) Java
(b) MS Word
(c) MS- Excel
(d) Accounting Package
Ans. a
42. 1 byte means
(a) 10 bits:
(b) 32 bits
(c) 16 bits
(d) 8 bits
Ans. d
43. The ASCII code of 'A' is –
(a) 60
(b) 80
(c) 65
(d) 100
Ans. c
44. RAM is
(a) Non-volatile
(b) Secondary storage
(c) Permanent storage
(d) Volatile
Ans. d
45. The size of a sector in hard disk is
(a) 5l2bytes
(b) 64bytes
(c) 510 bytes
(d) 1000 bytes
Ans. a
46. Which is an essential component of a LAN
(a) Router
(b) Gateway
(c) NIC
(d) Modem
Ans. a
47. In simplex transmission
(a) Data is sent in both directions simultaneously in a controlled way
(b) Data can travel in two directions, but only one direction at one time
(c) Data is sent in both directions simultaneously
(d) Data can travel in only one direction at all times
Ans. d
48. PCMCIA represents a standard for
(a) Desktop computer
(b) Main frame
(c) Minicomputer
(d) Notebook
Ans. d
49. OMR means
(a) Optical Mark Recognition
(b) Original Mark recognition
(c) Only Mark Reading
(d) Optical Media Reading
Ans. a
50. The size of internet Protocol (lP) address is
(a) 8 bits
(b) 16 bits
(c) 32 bits
(d) 64 bits
Ans. c