Read Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited Trainee Senior Officer -2011 Exam
1. Professor Hasan told his class that method of student evaluation of teachers is not a valid measure of teaching quality. Students should fill out questionnaires at the end of the semester when courses have been completed.
Which of the following, if true, provides support for the professor Hasan’s Proposal?
(a) Professor Hasan received low ratings from the students.
(b) Students filled out questionnaires after the midterm exam.
(c) Students are interested in teacher evaluation
(d) Teachers are not obligated to use the survey results.
(e) Students evaluation of teachers is voluntary.
Ans. e
2. An economist was quoted as saying that the Cost of Living Index (COL) will go up next month because of a recent increase in the price of meat and spices.
Which of the following cannot be inferred from the statement?
(a) The cost of meat and spices has risen sharply?
(b) Consumers have decreased their consumption of meat and spices.
(c) The cost of meat and spices is a major item in the COL.
(d) Food cost changes are reflected quickly in the COL.
(e) Other items that make up COL have not significantly decreased in price.
Ans. b

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. The members of the public Service Commission and the members of the Rent Control Commission are to be selected from exactly six qualified candidates. The six candidates are U, V, W, X, Y and Z .The following rules apply.
* Each commission must have exactly three members.
* The two commissions must have at least one member in common.
* U cannon be on a commission with X.
* If X is selection for a commission, Y must also be selected for that commission.
3. If the members of the public Service Commission are V, W, and Z, if the Rent Control Commission is to have as many members in common with the public service commission as the rules allow, the Rent Control Commission must consist of
(a) U, V and W
(b) V, W and Z
(c) V, X and Z
(d) W, Y and Z
(e) X, Y and Z
Ans. b
4. If the members of the public Service Commission are selected first, which of the following could be those selected?
(a) U, V and X
(b) U, X and Z
(c) V, W and X
(d) V, X and Y
(e) W, X and Z
Ans. d
5. If U and X are each selected for a commission, and only Z is selected for both the commissions, which of the following must be true?
(a) V is selected for the same commission as W
(b) W is selected for the same commission as Y
(c) W is selected for the same commission as X
(d) U is the selected for a different commission than Y
(e) X is selected for a different commission than Y
Ans. d
6. If U, V, and W make up the Public Service Commission, and W, Y and Z make up the Rent Control Commission, which of these commission members could yield his or her place on a commission to X without necessitating any other membership changes?
(a) U
(b) V
(c) W
(d) Y
(e) Z
Ans. e
Find out which underlined part of the following sentence has an error.
7. Some paper dolls, which a were once relatively b cheap, are previously c considered valuable collector’s items d .
(a) which
(b) relatively
(c) previously
(d) items.
Ans. c
8. An a exchange rate is the price b of one currencies c in terms of another d .
(a) An
(b) Price
(c) currencies
(d) another
Ans. c
9. The tiger’s cunning, strength, and agile a have earned b it c a legendary d reputation.
(a) agile
(b) earned
(c) it
(d) legendary
Ans. a
10. Much a nutritionists argue b that people’s intake of fat c should be reduced d .
(a) Much
(b) agrue
(c) fat
(d) reduced.
Ans. a
11. Most a critics agree that b William Shakespeare was the greater c writer in d the English language.
(a) Most
(b) that
(c) greater
(d) in
Ans. c
In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one, which can be substituted for the given sentence.
12. Person who is indifferent to both pleasure and pain
(a) Saint
(b) Ascetic
(c) Stoic
(d) Hermit
Ans. c
13. One who compiles dictionary
(a) Calligrapher
(b) Editor
(c) Lexicographer
(d) Compiler
Ans. c
14. A person who regards the whole world as his country
(a) Patriot
(b) Nationalist
(c) Cosmopolitan
(d) Metropolitan
Ans. c
15. A man who pays too much attention to his clothes and personal appearance
(a) Snob
(b) Duffer
(c) Dandy
(d) Licentious
Ans. c
16. A person who rarely speaks the truth
(a) Scoundrel
(b) Liar
(c) Crook
(d) Hypocrite
Ans. b
In each of the following sentences, some, some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to re-arrange these, which are labeled. P, Q, R, S to from a complete meaningful sentence and to give tick mark accordingly.
17. Reading books
(P) is a habit
(Q) But also enlarge the mind
(R) Because it not only increase knowledge
(S) Which must be cultivated by everybody?
(a) PQSR
(b) PQRS
(c) PSRQ
(d) SRPQ
Ans. c
18. Education is
(P) of the people sense of responsibilities
(Q) the first need
(R) in a citizen
(S) for the development
(a) RPSQ
(b) QSPR
(c) QPRS
(d) SRQR
Ans. b
19. The exhibition committee
(P) attractive and useful
(Q) to make the exhibition
(R) Making efforts
(S) Has been
(a) SRQR
(b) PQRS
(c) PSRQ
(d) SRPQ
Ans. a
20. Western civilization is
(p) In is character that
(Q) National culture by affecting its external way of life
(R) It is bound to influence every
(S) So powerful and so uniform
(a) PQSR
(b) SPRQ
(c) PSRQ
(d) SRPQ
Ans. b
21. The statement
(P)therefore you must listen carefully
(Q) what the speaker has said
(R) in order to understand
(S) will be made just once
(a) RPSQ
(b) SPRQ
(c) QPRS
(d) SRQP
Ans. b
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
A leading Bangladeshi industrialist in a recent article on ways to strengthen Bangladeshi’s economy has drawn attention to the problems of industrial sickness among other things. One of the main reasons for industrials sickness in our country has been the fact that business and industrial managers have not been able to look beyond the immediate future. They have been too preoccupied with their attempts to report favorable results for the current year-higher profits and larger dividends to the shareholders. The planning horizon has hardly ever exceeded five years. Investments have been inadequate for new plants towards diversification and expansions. Modernization and asset creation has seriously lagged behind. In business, growth is needed for survival. One has to grow if one does not want to be wiped out. This is particularly true today with liberalization of imports and increasing competition. Moreover, growth and higher productivity create employment and higher employment creates larger markets both for industrial and consumer products. For this, there is a need for the creation of a larger and a more stable class, that is, a larger number of people who can afford more and more of goods and services. Even after thirty – five years of independence, our industrialists have not been able to shed the party shopkeeper’s mentality and our highly educated management has tagged along merrily and without concern.
22. According to the passage, the net gains pursued by managers are at the cost of –
(a) diversification, modernization and asset creation
(b) availability of markets for industrial and consumer products
(c) inflation and industrial sickness
(d) liberalization of imports and increasing completion
(e) higher profits and larger dividends to shareholders
Ans. a
23. Which of the following shortcomings of Bangladeshi industrialists has been highlighted by the author?
(a) The invest unreasonably high amount on diversification and expansion.
(b) They are more concerned with immediate net gains than for developmental activities.
(c) They are reluctant to maintain the shopkeeper mentality.
(d) They are less concerned for payment of dividends to shareholders,
(e) None of above
Ans. b
24. The leading industrialist attributes industrial sickness mainly to ----
(a) lacunae in five –year plans
(b) preoccupations of managers with matters unrelated to business
(c) higher profits and larger dividends to shareholders
(d) lack of foresight among mangers
(e) inflation and other economic problems
Ans. d
25. According to the passage, growth and increasing productivity lead to –
(a) imposition of restrictions on imports
(b) employment and thus provides on outlet to industrial and consumer products
(c) encouragement to export of excess consumer goods
(d) disproportionate surplus of commodities
(e) none of above
Ans. b
26. ‘The planning horizon has hardly ever exceeded five years’ implies that-
(a) planning should not be for a period of less than five years.
(b) the planning process is very time consuming.
(c) the planning are not inclined to think of the future.
(d) planning should take care of all probable ups and downs in the next five year period.
(e) five-year period is too short for successful implementation of plans.
Ans. c
Choose the correct answer.
27. Who after the death of Hajart Muhammad (s) compild the Holy Quran?
(a) Hajrat Abu Bakr (R)
(b) Hajrat Umar Faruk (R)
(c) Harjar Uthman (R)
(d) Harjrat Ali (R)
Ans. a
28. How many ‘mashrafs’ (eligibility) are three for receiving Zakat?
(a) Seven
(b) Eight
(c) Nine
(d) Ten
Ans. b
29. What is the meaning of “Hakkullah”?
(a) Right of Human beings against each other.
(b) Right of parents over human beings.
(c) Right of Allah over human beings.
(d) Right of animals over human beings.
Ans. c
30. Who among the following is a word famous mathematician?
(a) Musa Al Kharijmi
(b) Ibna Sina
(c) Al Beruni
(d) Omar Khaiam
Ans. d
31. How many Muslim soldiers were martyred in the battle of Uhud?
(a) Seventy
(b) Eighty three
(c) Fifty three
(d) Sixty three
Ans. a
32. “ Every soul shall have a taste of death”. In which sûrah of the Holy Qur’ãn this statement has been mentioned?
(a) Al-i-Imran
(b) Al- Baqarah
(c) Ya-sin
(d) Al- Tauba
Ans. a
33. How many Arkan-Ahram are there is Salaata?
(a) 14
(b) 12
(c) 15
(d) 13
Ans. d
34. Which one is the ancient name of Al- Madinah?
(a) Huneyn
(b) Tabuk
(c) Yathrib
(d) Al-Aquabah
Ans. b
35. Which one of the following tasks is farz in performing salaata?
(a) To rectie sûrah Fatiha completely
(b) To recite Durud Sharif
(c) To recite Dua-i- Kunut
(d) To stand towards the Qiblah before starting salaata.
Ans. d
36. Who is the writer of the religious book- “ Mareful Quran”?
(a) Maulana Mohiuddin Khan
(b) Maulana Abdur Rahim (Rahmatullah alaih)
(c) Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi ( Rahmatullah alaih)
(d) Mufti Mohammad Shafi (Rahmatullah alaih)
Ans. d
Choose the correct answer
37. Given that a and b are real numbers, let f (a, b) = ab and let g(a) =a² +2. Than f [3,g(3)]=
(a) 3a² + 2
(b) 3a² + 6
(c) 27
(d) 29
(e) 33
Ans. e
38. A carpenter is designing a closet. The floor will be in the shape of a rectangle whose length is 2 feet more than its width. How long should the closet be if the carpenter wants the area of the floor to be 15 square feet?
(a) 3 feet
(b) 5 feet
(c) 7 feet
(d) 11 feet
(e) 12 feet
Ans. b
39. It costs Tk. 1,000 to make the first thousand copies of a book and X taka to make each subsequent copy. If it costs a total of Tk. 7,230 to make the first 8,000 copies of a book, what is the value of X?
(a) 0.89
(b) 0.90375
(c) 1.00
(d) 89
(e) 90.375
Ans. a
40. A share of stock in Ace Enterprise costs D taka on Jan, 2010.One year later, a share increased to Q taka. The fraction by which the cost of a share of stock has increased in the year is –
(a) Q - D D
(b) D - Q Q
(c) D Q
(d) Q D
(e) Q - D Q
Ans. a
41. If a sequence is defined by the rule an = (a n - 1 – 3) ², What is a4 (the fourth term of the sequence) if a1 is 1?
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 16
(d) 25
(e) 9
Ans. a
42. When is the result of the following division infinite? 10 2x - 4
(a) x = 0
(b) x = 5
(c) x = 6
(d) x = 2
(e) x = 4
Ans. d
43. A man 6 feet tall casts a shadow 4 feet long; at the same time a flagpole casts a shadow that is 50 feet long. How tall is the flagpole?
(a) 70 feet
(b) 75 feet
(c) 80 feet
(d) 85 feet
(e) None of above
Ans. b
44. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20 % and the width of the same rectangle is deceased by 20%, then the area of the triangle-
(a) decreases by 20%
(b) decreases by 4%
(c) is unchanged
(d) increases by 20%
(e) increases by 40%
Ans. c
45. A distance of 320 miles is traveled in 20 hours. At the same average rate, how many miles are traveled in 8 1 2 hours ?
(a) 150 miles
(b) 180 miles
(c) 136 miles
(d) 140 miles
(e) None of above
Ans. c
46. 8% of the people eligible to vote are between 18 and 21. In an election 85% of those eligible to vote who were between 18 and 21 actually voted. In that election, people between 18 and 21 who actually voted were what percent of those people eligible to vote?
(a) 4.2
(b) 6.4
(c) 6.8
(d) 8
(e) 68
Ans. c
47. The first of three angles measures 10 % less than the second. The third angle measures 20% more than the sum of the other two. Find the three angles if the angle is the angles of a triangle.
(a) 30°, 40°, 110°
(b) 45°, 45°, 90°
(c) 35°, 45°, 100°
(d) 60°, 30°, 90°
(e) None of above
Ans. e
48. Rahim’s salary is 125% of karim’s salary;Mary’s salary is 80% of Karim’s salary. The total of all three salaries is Tk.61,000.What is Mary’s salary?
(a) Tk. 25,000
(b) Tk. 16,000
(c) Tk. 20,000
(d) Tk. 30,000
(e) None of these
Ans. b
Choose the correct answer.
49. The immediate cause of world war II in Europe was
(a) the signing of the non- aggression pact between Germany and the USSR
(b) world wide of the depression
(c) the invasion of Poland
(d) the provision of the Versailles treaty
Ans. c
50. Who is the author of the book.“The Wealth of Nations”?
(a) Karl Marx
(b) A.K Sen
(c) Admam Smith
(d) David Ricardo
Ans. c
51. ILO Head office is situated in
(a) Paris
(b) Ganeva
(c) Chicago
(d) Bangkok
Ans. b
52. Recently new gas field has been found in which of the following places?
(a) Kailashtila
(b) Bakhrabed
(c) Rashidpur
(d) None
Ans. c
53. Who among the following got the 2011 Nobel Prize for literature?
(a) Tomas Brian
(b) Tomas Transtroemer
(c) Leymah Gbowee
(d) None of the above
Ans. b
Select the Each of the following problems has a question and statements which are labeled (1) and (2).Use the date given in (1) and (2) to decide whether the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Select one of the following.
(A)Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) ALONE is not sufficient.
(B) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) ALONE is not sufficient.
(C) Both statements TOGETHER are sufficient but NETHER Statement alone is sufficient.
(D) Each statement ALONE is sufficient.
(E) Statement (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.
54. Is K is a multiple of 6?
(1) K is a multiple of 3.
(2) K is a multiple of 12.
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
Ans. d
55. A fly crawls around the outside of a circle once. A second fly crawls around the outside of a square once. Which fly travels further?
(1) The diagonal of the square is equal to the diagonal of the circle.
(2) The fly crawling around the circle took more time to complete his journey than the fly crawling around the square.
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
Ans. a
56. A worker is hired for six days. He is paid Tk. 2 more for each day of work than he was paid for the preceding day of work. How much was he paid for the first day of work?
(1) His total wages for the 6 days were 150 Tk.
(2) He was paid 150% of his first day’s pay for the sixth day.
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
Ans. d